Hello! I've made over forty Flash films since 2000 for Fark, CampChaos, National Lampoon, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and of course, you fine folks right here on Newgrounds.

Dave @Dave

Age 55, Male



West Hartford, CT

Joined on 4/6/03

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2,255 / 2,500
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Dave's News

Posted by Dave - April 15th, 2012

So there's this brand new, microscopically tiny social media site out there called Zurker. It promises to out-do Facebook in a few years, mostly because instead of one billionaire running the show, the site grants partial ownership free of charge to all new members, making it a democratic, all-for-one kind of thing.

Right now there's only around 1,000 members, but I've gotten on board with a few other sites early in their life, including Fark.com and a certain animation website notable for stick figure animations and pants-shitting donkeys. I've become able to see potential for big things, and this is just such a place. Get in on the ground floor now, even if you don't really use the site for anything just yet. It's like when people bought up plots of land on the Moon for $5 each back in the '70s and '80s. The chances of actually using that land are slim, but hell, if they're giving it away now, even if the chance is remote it'll ever really amount to anything, fuck it, I'm in.

You get a vShare for every friend you refer. I'm up to around 670 thanks to my having animated this little tutorial video featuring Hamster from Retarded Animal Babies. If Zurker ever reaches the status of Facebook or even MySpace, the value of these shares will make me a millionaire, since I got on board so early.

I will then finally have the time & resources to either 1) make another RAB film, or 2) stop worrying about ever making anything ever again.

Hamster gives you a tour of Zurker.com

Posted by Dave - November 11th, 2011

Would you like to be able to purchase a LEGO SET designed by me? Well, first you and 9,999 other people have to support it over at LEGO CUUSOO. It's a giant, 500-piece Space Station designed to evoke the "Classic Space" look of 1978-1980, when the world was basically a better place all around. Go check it out and click "SUPPORT!"

I know, I'm like a 9-year-old.

Want a real Lego set designed by Dave?

Posted by Dave - June 22nd, 2011

Here's a fun little video side project I've been working on: MOTHER-IN-LOL. This week's installment is called "Cthulhu Fhtagn and Taxes." Fans of Chtulhu, taxes, or 69-year-old ladies speaking in Lovecraftian tongue after ranting and raving over a tax bill should find something enjoyable here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56w9BXj om-M

There's also a fiery hell scene ripped off from "The Golden Child," and a cute doggie.

Please subscribe to the MotherInLOL YouTube channel for future updates!

Thanks & enjoy!



Posted by Dave - May 28th, 2010

Hey doods,

The RETARDED ANIMAL BABIES appear in this short film I recently made for Sidsonic Libraries. They're a German music company that makes virtual instruments modeled after crazy Metasonix tube-driven boutique audio gear. You probably don't care about that, but it's OK! The film still has a few funny moments that any RAB fan might enjoy:


It's family-friendly except for some mild violence which an average episode of Family Guy would probably trump.

Guest vocals for the (pink; long story) bunny done by Henning Schonvogel from Sidsonic, Eric the Panda from Metasonix (remember him from RAB21?) appears, and, of course, my wife Lee-Ann voices the big-boobed broad.

I made the music too. Enjoy!


Posted by Dave - April 13th, 2010

Hey dudes,

First of all, I'm happy to say that I'm working on a RAB22 script this week after such a great response from my last post! I really think you're gonna like this one!

I'm also making every April (the month celebrating the RAB series anniversary) my own personal "Fan Appreciation Month," and I'll be GIVING AWAY a free RAB DVD to whomever submits the best-looking FAN ART to umop.com!

Head over there now, read the latest update with all the rules about it, add comments using my new embedded Facebook commentary feature, and draw something really kickass in exchange for a free DVD.


Thanks again for all the support!

--Dave :-)

Posted by Dave - April 6th, 2010


Today is the seventh anniversary of the day I uploaded the first episode of "Retarded Animal Babies" here on Newgrounds, which has been seen 3.5 million times. HOORAY! This, coupled with the fact that I still get asked every single day (no, really) about when a new episode is coming out, has spurned me this fine Tuesday morning to post not only a long-overdue RAB news update, but to mention where things are headed for me artistically otherwise, and to relate a small bit of interesting news about a corporate project in which you can see the RAB characters in all their poorly-rendered splendor.

YES INDEED, I do want to make RAB22. It exists in my head ("WTF ITS NOT EVEN STORYBOARDED YET YOU COCK PUNCHER") and there are a lot of fun reasons to make it. First of all, I have a great idea for it mapped out & ready to script. I still love writing for & drawing these characters when & if my freelance art career allows the pseudo-annual, comically colonic release of RAB. And I owe it to the fans, as much as I owed them the other 20 sequels (I guess).


1) I'm a lazy sack. That's not news at all.

2) There are now just about as many detractors as there are supporters. Some of them want to see something different, some of them just want me to die. I can accept either of these reasons.

3) After eight years and 21 episodes (not including a couple of somewhat lame contest entries), this dead horse is beaten to a bloody pulp. And the poor thing wasn't even a horse at all, it was a one-trick pony.

4) My hands hurt, Mama. Fetch me some hot tea and a lukewarm muffin stump.

5) I suck at art, and would rather play keytar in a Pagan's Mind tribute band.


So it's a draw (no pun intended). Lots of reasons for RAB21, lots of reasons against it (along with, perhaps, my "mortal retirement").

What about a different project? Well, I recently tried a Hamster-themed webcomic for a little while; got kinda tired of it. I did non-RAB related daily comics for a bit before that, got tired of it. Drew out a few ideas for some flicks here and there, tossed 'em in the trash before they even had a script. See the pattern?

I get bored really easily, which by itself should explain how tough going back to my trusty eight-year-old well might be for me. If I'm ever going to take my art career (and/or hobby) seriously, maybe I need to find an outlet that has some non-puppy-ballsack meaning. Or guess what... maybe I could just choose not to give a crap about "meaning," and simply flatulate my way through life with big titty chicks and dick jokes. Sounds like fun too, doesn't it? Especially for a lazy sack, shouldering daily death threats?



P.S. Oh yeah, the corporate RAB thing. Almost done with it. Not sure if I'll upload it on Newgrounds, so keep regular tabs over at my art site (umop.com) this week. It's for a crazy-cool German music company called "Sidsonic," for a product called "TUBES." It's a virtual instrument based heavily on various Metasonix tube-based boutique audio products. Since I've done a lot of RAB art for Metasonix in the past, the viral video tie-in seems like something that just had to happen. It's pretty funny so far, so stay tuned.

P.P.S. Thanks for watching RAB!

Posted by Dave - December 6th, 2009


If you enjoy my new Hamsterdunce comics (there's already over 50 of them!), go ahead and become a FAN on the Hamsterdunce Facebook page!

See you there!

P.S. Retarded Animal Babies 22 has a script! :o)


Posted by Dave - November 10th, 2009


First and foremost, I've got a new WEBCOMIC (featuring Hamster) called Hamsterdunce. You can find it on hamsterdunce.com and there's also a Hamsterdunce blog where you can leave comments. It's only been going on for a few weeks, go show it some love!

In other news...

Do you remember a time long, long ago when I got all whore-y and made a commercial for a beer company, and won a contest with it? Well that was six years ago... time to put my fuck-me pumps on and strut down 42nd street again for a new trick!

This time it's for Doritos... and once again the Animal Babies are all in there. And this time, there's a chance they'll be on national TV, right in a goddamn Superbowl commercial!

DORITOS CRASH THE SUPERBOWL - Dave's Entry: "The Animator"

Go on over there, register and leave a nice comment! Just do me a solid and maybe keep the goddamn fucking swearing down & no mentioning of "Retarded Animal Babies" in case that thwarts the judges (who knows with this stuff)... If this commercial shows up during the Superbowl I could end up a dang millionaire, giving me much more time to make new RAB episodes which is really what everyone wants (except for those of you with any taste).

Anyway, if "The Animator" becomes a finalist, I'll be pestering you again for a vote on January 5th... for now you just sorta look at all the thousands of entries and waste time.

And yeah, the video is kind of jaggy. It's a problem with their player. My submission was much better & I'll probably stick it in my YouTube channel eventually.

Thanks everyone!


Posted by Dave - June 5th, 2009

So the other day I was taping my old plastic, sloped light table to the top of my air conditioner outside, to keep the rain from pounding on it too loudly. It has been three years since I've needed it, seeing as how I've been using this extravagant & huge 21" Wacom Cintiq tablet to animate (you can see me using it at the end of RAB19. I haven't ever looked back, because it is a very practical, useful, and sexy thing to work with.

Gone are the days where I had to draw on paper first, with a damn pencil. I would be inking, scanning, vectorizing, coloring, and importing artwork into Flash, all before actually assembling everything together into a RAB episode. Now I just draw the shit RIGHT IN FLASH, allowing for a better line quality, easier quick-fixes if an arm or eyeball or testicle is out of place, and greater control over the animation process itself.

It has made the quality about 500% better.

However, it has NOT exactly made the process 500% quicker! Oh, sure, it seems like a more elegant workflow now that I'm not having to go through all the crapola that went with the light table (here's an old "Behind-the-Scenes" thing on YouTube, filmed in 2004 around the time RAB5 was getting made). But let's face it... I was unemployed in 2003 and cranking out a new RAB episode every single week. And now, even though the episodes are only about 3-5 times as long, they're taking ALL FUCKING YEAR.


I hear the pleas of RAB fans asking WHY, WHY, WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT TAKING SO LONG? FINISH RAB21 ALREADY! Because... FUCK. I started this episode back in January, and have been working on it, on and off, EVER SINCE. And it's still only about 85% done. AND I'M UNEMPLOYED AGAIN SO I SHOULD REALLY BE KICKING ASS ON IT, YA KNOW?

Well, I think the problem is that since better quality is possible, I've been really kind of getting into actually employing that quality. Check out RAB1, 2, and 3 again, and compare that to the kinds of shit going on in RAB 17-20 (the post-DVD Cintiq episodes), and you'll see a lot more hardcore animating in there.

The OTHER major issue is that I had a real routine back in the day, and I don't think I do now. There were little 2-3 day long production processes back in the pre-'05 days, and as these baby steps were scientifically taken, I was able to get into "the zone" more fluidly. But working 100% within Flash from sketch to finished, lipsynced animation is more of a mental GLOM. All one, big, horrifyingly complicated process which causes a lot of hours staring slackjawed at the screen.

There's a third minor issue... back in the wayback I would rape older episodes of art resources a lot more often. Donkey and Hamster heads are about the only things that ever get re-purposed from older episodes; Cat, Bunny, and Puppy almost always get new heads & bodies drawn for every single scene they're in. That's a lot more custom art going on than before, and when added to the average length of episodes plus the lack of an efficient, assembly-line type of workflow, well... you've got yourself a year-long waiting period between RAB episodes!

So bear with me... it's obviously all about quality (such as it is, when compared to greater works from my superior peers [i.e. pretty much all of you]) versus quantity these days.

I'm leaving for a 3-week road trip on July 11th, culminating in a Vegas wedding for me & my hot fiancee. You can bet your ass RAB21 will be done before I leave, probably LONG before I leave!

Thanks for your patience! It will be worth it, I promise. This one's pretty over-the-top, and digs back into my 2003 roots for humor at times.

Posted by Dave - April 2nd, 2009

Hi there...

I plan on adding lots of updates on Twitter for anyone interested in what I ate for breakfast, new YouTube videos I've posted, and *of course* how RAB21 is progressing (that's probably 99.99% of you). It's slow going, naturally, but I'm back to freelancing again so hopefully production on it and new RAB films (or maybe something completely different, who knows) will be speedier in the future.

Until then...

