Hello! I've made over forty Flash films since 2000 for Fark, CampChaos, National Lampoon, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and of course, you fine folks right here on Newgrounds.

Dave @Dave

Age 55, Male



West Hartford, CT

Joined on 4/6/03

Exp Points:
2,255 / 2,500
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Vote Power:
5.68 votes
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I have the smallest cintiq, I can't imagine working with the larger one although Im sure it's nice to doodle with.

I love my Wacom Cintiq to death. I have no regrets buying it.


this is how I feel as well. Having complete freedom to animate makes one demand more perfection out of oneself when animating.

which takes alot longer.

cant wait fro RAB 21

don't take it so hard man, the stress can be really overwhealming at times but you gotta think why you're really doing this? if it's the best RAB episode we will ever see then it's fucking worth the wait. This isn't like a job where you have to kiss some pimpled ass just to get it past, but think of it as more of a privalage to the NG community.
Go for gold and never give up!

Yeah...waiting a year on a RAB toon blows dogs for quarters, but at the same time I'd rather watch a lengthy, funny episode than one that wreeks of horseshit
(so my thought on the matter actually goes on an entire cycle of either dog blowing or horse shit, who wulda thought)

Damn, those are expensive. I must have it!

A mental GLOM is a fantstic way of putting it.
I love my cintiq too, but it is a dirty little bitch.

Well, I can't wait. If it's going to be throwing back to '03 RAB-style humor, it should be excellent.

And I remember seeing that "behind the scenes" when you should us how you made RAB. It's fun to watch the DVD and see your talent progress with your gain of technology.

Anyway, good luck with the roadtrip and the wedding, and good luck with that "finding a job" thing.

Can you tell me how you constructed your light table?

just keep working on it, it'll be finished ;)

Don't worry about making us wait Dave! I'm happy that you haven't buried RAB yet and completely moved your focus away from Flash onto more importaint life related issues... You should however not make us wait for too long or else... ;) Sorry to hear about you being unemployed again. Life shure is tough these days. Well, I cannot wait to get endulged into the sweet succulent RAB humor again! The day when ep. 21 comes out will be a day full of celebration for me as Rab probably is my FAVORITE series on Newgrounds of all time! Keep it up! Oh, and congrats on getting married!!

dave, you still wreak of badassery.

I wish I would have bought Cintiq instead of Intuos 3 back in the days. Oh well.

omg i cant wait all the other rabs rocked

lmao i love ratarded animal babies

you are my hero dave please don't ever stop making rab man they make my day

Before July 11th? Awe5umm!!!11!
Looking forward to it!
BTW congrats on your soon-to-be marriage. I wish you and your fiancee the best.

You should release some Art on the Art Portal... Better then 80% then the shit on there.

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