Hello! I've made over forty Flash films since 2000 for Fark, CampChaos, National Lampoon, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and of course, you fine folks right here on Newgrounds.

Dave @Dave

Age 55, Male



West Hartford, CT

Joined on 4/6/03

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2,255 / 2,500
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Dave's News

Posted by Dave - January 26th, 2009

Yes, it will happen. Maybe not particularly SOON... but it will happen. A script idea is getting mapped out, and mental images are coming into focus.

Stay tuned & thanks for your patience and continued support...


Posted by Dave - November 13th, 2008

Long ago, on a cold March morning, I uploaded the 20th Retarded Animal Babies flick to Newgrounds.com. This was the first & only officially sponsored Newgrounds.com production, and one which took about 8 days of vacation time to pull off in time for Easter.

Ever since then, I have sorely wanted to figure out what the full version of "RAB21 - The Red Erection" might be. It's teased at the end of RAB20, and I'd like to somehow build on it. The four-dimensionally Klein-bottled logic employed in regards to continuity for this series has actually become a character in its own right. Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious to make the concept of continuity itself into a character in some ways? Yeah? OK, fine.

Then I thought changing one letter and making it "The Red Election," or just simply "Erection Day" would be sooo fucking booyah & get some Obama/McCain/Palin/Biden humor going on. I just didn't have time or energy to work on it, period. Plus, I'm about as good a political satirist as I am a neurosurgeon, which is to say, I'm suckass at it. We're all much better off when I stick to animating things like Boobie Dragons. So the premise gave way to "electile dysfunction" as it was abandoned.

So here we go into 2009 without a thought in my mind what to do about the series. I must say that while working on Flash games (such as today's uploaded "Splatris" game... go check it out!) all day for Left Brain Games, there is no fucking way I can spend even five minutes in Flash when I get home at the end of the day. So alas, the unemployed miscreant that was doling out new RAB episodes every other week has been vanquished by a card-carrying member of taxpaying society, relegated to getting up at 7:00AM every day, driving a wheeled coffin to a cubed coffin, and counting the painful minutes until I can go home and watch a Netflix.

Or more likely, go to a band practice! I'm in three bands these days which is exhausting and exhilarating. Not sure who would possibly care except for my YouTube channel subscribers, but I am a die hard synthesizer freak. That Donkey keytar-playing shit in RAB11 & RAB20 comes from a very real place.

Ramble over... guess I didn't really answer any questions here about RAB21, did I? Let's just leave it that I really, really want to make one, and I will when 1) a suitably good idea hits me, and 2) I have the time and energy. Neither of those two things seem likely at all any time soon. RAB may well have had its day (a five-year-long day) in the sun, in which case RAB17-20 will be all internet-only doodads (i.e. no DVD will be made for them).

But look on the bright side. Maybe LBG will fire me someday & I'll be forced to crank out RAB episodes every bit as fast as I crank out semen to sell. Until then, I'll see if I can upload some of the more decent games I've made on the job.

Thanks for the continued support, Newgroundsers.



Posted by Dave - May 20th, 2008

Hey! Do you know anyone who's got one of them there fancy-ass Garmin navigator GPS doodads? Maybe you yourself even have one in your car. Well, if ya DO, wouldn't you like Hamster from RAB to actually be in the damn thing, as a custom 3D avatar, driving around in a white Lamborghini Countach go-kart?!

I thought you would!

So.... you might just have to check out Garmin's new contest & vote for me... I'm a finalist. The winner gets their avatar concept as a downloadable custom avatar for all time. That's right, you can make sure Hamster smears up Garmin with delicious chocolatey go-kart skidmarks by simply GOING HERE and selecting "Jamster" as your pick of the litter. You can only cote once, but you can also tell your friends to vote too!

Thanks for your vote...


Posted by Dave - April 6th, 2008

Just looked at the calendar, and realized that RETARDED ANIMAL BABIES turned 5 fucking years old today. Crustulating cuntflaps, that's a long time!

The past five years have been very eventful... to say the LEAST... and it surprises me as I sit here, to think about how I was still able to squeeze in the production of 20 RAB flix and two DVDs while dealing with everything else that's happened along the way. So today I'll make myself another shiny shit cake and celebrate all the filth I've managed to fling at you. RAB fans are devoted, supportive, perverted freaks & I count every one of them as a blessing...

Thanks for watchin'...

--Dave :o)

Posted by Dave - March 17th, 2008

Hello from beautiful, sunny, and exhaustingly cold Connecticut, USA. I've been up all night finishing up the final touches of RAB20 to comfortably make my self-imposed Monday mornin' deadline. I hope everyone enjoys this episode as much as the others & gets a kick out of all the various loose ends I attempt to tie up in this sweeping epic.

I thought I'd use this new flick as an excuse to post a general reply to a lot of the FAQs I get in my Newgrounds inbox on a semi-daily basis. Of course the biggest questions are about where RAB9 and RAB16 are, and it's a question one can only answer so many times over the years before feeling like a broken record. By now I'm sure you all know these two episodes are what makes the DVD something purchase-worthy; sticking everything online free of charge is just bad business. I have also put the first nine episodes, including the elusive RAB9, for sale as downloadable iPod-friendly MP4 files in my rough + ramshackle little Kagi shop too, for only a buck each. So now RAB9 is "practically" free, at least.

The next big question is "when is the next RAB coming out." I never know when installments will get made, and half the time I can't even tell you if they'll get made AT ALL. What I can tell you is that there is now another decent half hour of RAB material that's been made since the latest DVD (i.e. RAB17 - RAB20), and while that's not bad, it's also not enough to call a "second collection" for a 2nd DVD release. So basically, if I ever want to put out another DVD, I'm going to have to make more films.

When RAB first started, I was out of work, and had time & brain cells to BURN. I could just take three weeks & make an 11-minute episode like RAB5 without losing a minute of sleep. Now I've got to take off a week of precious vacation time (better spent on a white sandy beach, thanks) from my day job (making Flash) to work MORE (also in Flash?!), plus blow at least 4-5 weekends and DOZENS of hours of sleep to crank out one of these monstrous 200-hour productions! I'm not complaining at all because the resultant product is always its own reward (and not to mention an occasional sponsorship by Newgrounds which certainly helps), as well as all the good feedback from you guys. I'm just saying it's like pulling teeth sometimes, and certainly not something I can do more than 2-3 times per year (perhaps not even that often).

Here's another one: "How come your newer ones aren't as good as your old ones?" Or better yet, "it doesn't seem like you're putting in the effort." Heh... well, how it might seem is beyond my control of course, but believe me, each production seems to take longer than the last. I also work much harder on the scripts to keep things fresh. All I can say is that I am doing my very best, and every time I lose a fan, I seem to gain two new ones. I can live with that with no regrets!

Get a load of this one. "Are you really rich?" No, lads, no. In 1998 I would have been, yes. But today is the age of reason, gas money, and hard-ass work. RAB has been on TV twice; once for an overnight show on the BBC (for which I got completely stiffed of the $1200 they were going to pay), and G4TV for the "Happy Tree Friends and Friends" show, which amounted to about a hundredth what a normal TV show gets. The Weird Al video I did for my usual paycheck & a shiny gold record. Cool, but not "I'm gonna retire tomorrow" wealth. I also merely self-distribute my DVDs for a show with the word "retarded" right in the title. I can't even get posters distributed because of that damn word. But ah, it's that magical title that got me this far. So the only green RAB has brought me (and shall ever bring me) is the color of my skin when I get sick to my stomach thinking about this shit. So there you go... still wanna shoot for being a big-time internet animator? Or maybe hit those books instead? Choose wisely!

Here's a really super one: "When are you going to stop making those fuckin' YouTube videos and Daily Comics and just make the next RAB already?" This can roughly be translated as "WHERE'S MY FIDDLER'S THREE!" or perhaps "YOU THERE! SHINE MY FEET IMMEDIATELY!" :o) There are a lot of creative people that look forward to a time in their lives when they're receiving fan mail for the art they love to do. But something to remember is that most of the mail comes from demanding little shits that have decided they are going to tell you what's best (at least for THEM) to do with your time. Believe it or not, all your favorite actors, musicians, artists, and everyone else with a creative job... these people have hobbies too. So the next time one of you tells me I should be spending every waking moment on RAB, I'll counter-suggest that they spend every waking moment doing their homework, flipping their burgers, crunching numbers, sucking cock, or whatever other professional responsibilities they have, every single second they're awake. Shitty proposition, eh? I think so. Anyway, variety is the spice of life. If you really want more RAB films, it can't happen if I'm burnt out and/or suicidal. Thus, the side projects.

Speaking of variety, very very occasionally I'll get directed by fans of my other art shits to QUIT RAB and try something different. Let me tell you, there are many days when nothing would please me more. I love my little RAB characters & will always have new & different ideas for them, but it would be nice to dust off some of my other characters (Sci-Fi Guys especially) and take them out for a stroll again. But I must admit that I have serious doubts that I will ever primarily be anything but "the RAB guy." I mean... fuck. I could go out and cure cancer tomorrow, but my grave in 50 years will still just say "here liez the RAB guy LOL". You know it & I know it. So I dunno.

"What is Weird Al like in person." I've only met him twice backstage at concerts. I was work for hire and am not his bestest friend. He is tremendously generous with his time though & usually replies to emails that I send him. He also never sweats. He was wearing a VELOUR SHIRT after a concert last year... a show which lasted two hours under hot, roasting lights. And yet Al smelled like a fresh spring day. He's magical like Jesus. He's also very funny every second of the day. Some people are just like that. Meanwhile I can be a really cranky asshole which is probably why I can't keep a woman in my life.

Heh... sorry, too much info there? I guess that cleanly answers "hey man do you get lots of chicks when you're King of the Portal?" Not likely, unless you're a slammin' 30-ish single Connecticut chick with a hot rack reading this right now & getting ready to contact me for a free beej in the back of your car.

Yours truly,


Posted by Dave - January 16th, 2008

Retarded Animal Babies fans might get a chuckle out of a brand new $5000 Metasonix guitar amp announced today called, of all things, the Fucking Fucker.

I personally provided a dozen and a half drawings of Puppy for it, cock'n'balls and all. More notable is the bright yellow 3" by 20" front nameplate, featuring 21 nude models pleasuring Puppy's enormous, hose-like cock exactly 56 different ways, weaving its way in, through, and out all their mouths, vaginas & assholes (and a few other holes too, not to mention boob-fuckin' and a few fists and toes). I wish I'd made it 23 nudes instead, one for each of the 23 VACUUM TUBES inside this beast. If you've ever learned anything about amps, this is serious shit.

Anyway, check out the page over at Metasonix & see the amp for yourself. There's a link towards the bottom of the page which takes you to a hi-res image, too!


Posted by Dave - December 17th, 2007

... I just wanted to say, simply, THANKS for voting for RAB19 in November.

There will be a RAB20, by the way... (how could there not be?). I'm leaning towards early springtime for it, and have something vaguely written already. RAB turns FIVE YEARS OLD around that time, too, so I suppose I should make it something truly special & momentous. I never really know what it will be until after it's animated though. Keeps shit fresh. And shitty!

Don't forget to check out umop.com for regular updates on the goings-on of all things RAB, my new Daily Comic, and other crap you might actually care about if you're bored/lobotomized/etc.


Posted by Dave - October 29th, 2007


I'm happy to announce that RAB 9 (Retarded Animal Babies episode 9), while still not available free online (unless stolen, of course!), is now available for sale for a measly $1, right here in my Kagi shop!

It's important that some episodes remain "out there," only available for a price, even if a tiny one. I need to figure out some way, any way, to get some kind of registerable income from making RAB toons. RAB19 has taken 7 months to complete (and it's almost ready, I do promise), and for what reason? Simple. That's how LONG it takes to create something this big, when it's something you don't have time to make. Either that or I'm just not on enough drugs.

I'm just as sad as any RAB fan that my rent-paying day job (I create game artwork for corporate clients) takes away so much time and energy that there's nothing left for my true passion: writing and animating original films for your free consumption here on Newgrounds. Nothing will allow that to happen unless RAB can become my rent-payer.

YOU CAN HELP by buying up a DVD as a gift for somebody for the holidays... or now, dropping a dollar, downloading RAB9, and counting yourself as one among a tiny handful of folks who've gotten to actually see it. It's a funny little episode. Puppy's fucking ridiculous in it.

If sales are good, I'll upload ALL my other episodes (yes, even RAB16) for $1 each, too. I could make some future new episodes for sale too, using brand new FREE episodes here on Newgrounds to promote them. I win, Newgrounds wins, and most importantly, YOU DO. The only people who lose are the ones who hate RAB films (i.e. anyone with any taste at all).

Thanks for your support! Now GO GIT RAB 9!!


P.S. I'm making daily comics on umop.com... go check them out!

P.P.S. Hey! They only take about 15-20 minutes to work on, so no, they haven't been responsible for preventing RAB films from getting made quicker. THOSE things take about 150 hours! Were I to only spend 15 minutes per day on RAB, the films would end up being biannual! :o)

Posted by Dave - October 10th, 2007

Hi all,

Retarded Animal Babies 19 *will* get done within the next 3-4 weeks. There's a lot of boobs in it so I'm really taking my time with those.

In the meantime, I've YouTubed an old 2003 video I made (live action) of a Behind-the-Scenes look into RAB. Specifically, I was working on RAB5 at the time. The video is right here. I had a lot more hair back then... a LOT more... Anyway, you can see this video on my CD-ROM (now THERE'S an obscure, olden times format!), but since that's a fairly out-of-date product (only has RAB1 thru RAB8 on it), I figured I'd upload the vid separately elsewhere for your endurement.

Also, starting around a month ago, I've been posting daily comic strips on my umop.com homepage, to get more traffic to the site. Spread the word & drop by every day!

One last thing. In my continued efforts to make RAB a full-time job (as opposed to a hobby I never have time to work on), what do you guys think about my selling RAB9 for $1 on umop.com? I'm very curious to hear your feedback about this. Is that buck going to make you hate me? And can most of you use something like Paypal for that? I'm still working on setting all this up, but I'll keep all your suggestions in mind in the meantime.



Posted by Dave - August 30th, 2007

Hey gangz...

I get a daily stream of emails about the whereabouts of the next Retarded Animal Babies film. Without excessively pounding my excuse pud too much, I'll just say that it's being scripted today, based on a story concept that's just... fucked.

Originally, I wanted to have a Back-to-School type of installment ready by, like, NOW, and I even have a script ready for something like that, but its scripted ending was just... MEH. Also, it was actually written a couple of years ago ('twas going to be something like RAB13 I think), and a lot of the humor in it is dated already. RAB has gone in strange & unusual directions since then, so this particular script either needs complete re-tooling or (an easier propect) to be scrapped entirely.

The idea I'm instead going ahead with is much, much... well, I don't want to say "better," but... more in the vein of where today's RAB is at, y'know?

Previous installments have been done through my day-job company Left Brain Games (acting as a silent partner), but future ep's will have to be produced on my own. This means I can't do anything during normal work hours. And you know what THAT means? Nights and weekends, baby.

But hey, look on the bright side. I broke off my engagement a couple of months ago, meaning I'm a single, lonely dumbass again with plenty of time (and my own Johnson) on my hands. So hopefully this next one won't take too long. Can't say exactly when of course. They aren't the easiest things to bang out any more...
