I'm happy to announce that RAB 9 (Retarded Animal Babies episode 9), while still not available free online (unless stolen, of course!), is now available for sale for a measly $1, right here in my Kagi shop!
It's important that some episodes remain "out there," only available for a price, even if a tiny one. I need to figure out some way, any way, to get some kind of registerable income from making RAB toons. RAB19 has taken 7 months to complete (and it's almost ready, I do promise), and for what reason? Simple. That's how LONG it takes to create something this big, when it's something you don't have time to make. Either that or I'm just not on enough drugs.
I'm just as sad as any RAB fan that my rent-paying day job (I create game artwork for corporate clients) takes away so much time and energy that there's nothing left for my true passion: writing and animating original films for your free consumption here on Newgrounds. Nothing will allow that to happen unless RAB can become my rent-payer.
YOU CAN HELP by buying up a DVD as a gift for somebody for the holidays... or now, dropping a dollar, downloading RAB9, and counting yourself as one among a tiny handful of folks who've gotten to actually see it. It's a funny little episode. Puppy's fucking ridiculous in it.
If sales are good, I'll upload ALL my other episodes (yes, even RAB16) for $1 each, too. I could make some future new episodes for sale too, using brand new FREE episodes here on Newgrounds to promote them. I win, Newgrounds wins, and most importantly, YOU DO. The only people who lose are the ones who hate RAB films (i.e. anyone with any taste at all).
Thanks for your support! Now GO GIT RAB 9!!
P.S. I'm making daily comics on umop.com... go check them out!
P.P.S. Hey! They only take about 15-20 minutes to work on, so no, they haven't been responsible for preventing RAB films from getting made quicker. THOSE things take about 150 hours! Were I to only spend 15 minutes per day on RAB, the films would end up being biannual! :o)
I hope your sales do well!
It would be great to see it work, good luck :)