Hello! I've made over forty Flash films since 2000 for Fark, CampChaos, National Lampoon, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and of course, you fine folks right here on Newgrounds.

Dave @Dave

Age 55, Male



West Hartford, CT

Joined on 4/6/03

Exp Points:
2,255 / 2,500
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5.68 votes
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Someone put 9 and 16 on youtube.
They were good episodes!

The 9th is one of my favs

I'm glad you like them, but it's hog-turdy putting other people's films on the 'Tube. Especially mine. Help a brother out and be cool about this kinda thing. Thanks

Great job on your latest RAB episode!
Another great piece of work that I can enjoy without having to pay extra, which I enjoy and thank you for.

Here is another question; when or at which episode will you update the DVD?

Keep on being great!

I can't comment on the future; it hasn't happened yet. ;-)


9 and 16 are on youtube, I cant find them?

They both were a few times, but I had YouTube delete them and the user's accounts (pretty easy to do, actually). I regularly comb YouTube for content-stealers. If you like my stuff, feel free to join me in my joyful conquest over all the shit-eaters out to ruin everything for me. Keep RAB on Newgrounds where it belongs, and keep RAB9 and RAB16 veiled in mystery for the serious fans willing to support the cause and snag a DVD. Hooray!

Man I wish I have the capacity you have. I can only go 20 minutes to three hours before I get bored of animating my movies, depending on the day.

That latest episode was pretty awesome, Bunny seems like Kenny from South Park because of the whole "continuity bubble" thing.

Question, was the 16th episode the one with the harry potter joke? I only saw a clip of it on the homepage a couple months ago.

No that wasn't a clip from RAB16, but something original made just for the Byte-Sized clips. :o)

what are the posibilitys that my favorite flash animator lives in Connecticut. I live in Enfield I just hapend to look at you're profile one day

I'd say the chances were pretty good. There's NOTHING TO DO in Connecticut except sit on your bored ass and draw pictures all day, so you're bound to run into a few halfway decent artists out here...

Argh! But Daaaaaaveee! You MUST know the future!
I mean, your name is Dave, that's instant future-telling right there!

Oh well... I promies to buy a DVD once you've updated it with the newest episodes :)

Keep on being great and future-telling-less.

"I promies to buy a DVD once you've updated it with the newest episodes"

Naw, the DVD with 1-16 is the first collection. There won't be any updates... but maybe a 2nd collection assuming there's enough material one day for it. Thanks!

RAB has had a nice run. It really wouldn't bother me if it's over, because you've done so well with them so far. Don't look at this as a farewell, but as a tribute.

Here's to Dave!
Congratulation on 5 years :)

P.S. I saw the 1st RAB on ebaumsworld (sorry I didn't know better) when I was about 11 or 12. I didn't understand most all of the jokes, and it creeped me out. I sure have come a long way.

It's a shame most poster websites are too P.C. to allow the word "retarded" to be on something. bah!

Hey Dave,
Thanks for the reality check.

Mad props and all that mess; and yet it's good to see you're only human (or reasonable facsimile thereof).

Best of luck in your future endeavors, whatever they may be.
But so far it's been one hell of a fun ride, speaking as a consumer pleeb. Thanks. =)

"There won't be any updates... "

Al'right then.
Then I might buy the first collection anyway. That way, my brother doesn't have to hear about the flowers and the bees, just watch Puppy do what he does best.

Have a (hopefully) good day RAB guy.

Well that answered alot of questionssss. Nice job on your recent episode. Nice to see you frequenting the portal again

hurray dave l loved it good work

Oh you do make me laugh xxx

Are you going to make RAB 21 or skip to RAB 22, after the ending?

RAB rulz

shit dave! i thought there was a good reason for 9 and 16, not being on newgrounds... you sly business man!

lol i cant complain i would have done the same thing... only i would have endorsed the breaking of small orphan childrens legs, just for the sure unadulterary joy of it all... you must think these things through...

also have you considered korean slave labor? you could be on the same quality as the simpsons! and maybe show a profit when this shit hits network tv!

also, you cant get posters made with the word "retarded" in the word, does that mean "RAB" is out of the question? people are willing to negotiate...

or maybe you could like, skip the title and just show the names of all the characters... ust for fun...

or how about spoof posters? like "splunge, is for splunge!"

id buy a splunge t-shirt! shit there are skub t-shirts!

splunge beats the shit out of skub!

thanks for the entertainment dave, just the nice surprise of seeing another RAB icon on newgrounds front page, made my day.... good luck

We now know more about you.


Great job on 20, incidentally, heh. Keep it up. Don't worry if you can't pump em out as quickly as the old days...we'll still be patiently waiting for them like the faggots we are. :-D

RAB 20. I have four words for it.... Out of this world. ust like the oder RABs.

Dave will there be a RAB 21?

"They both were a few times, but I had YouTube delete them and the user's accounts (pretty easy to do, actually)"

How. I heard that youtube doesn't do shit about stolen content unless it's a huge corperations. What connections do you have.

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