Hello! I've made over forty Flash films since 2000 for Fark, CampChaos, National Lampoon, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and of course, you fine folks right here on Newgrounds.

Dave @Dave

Age 55, Male



West Hartford, CT

Joined on 4/6/03

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Retarded Hibernating Babies

Posted by Dave - November 13th, 2008

Long ago, on a cold March morning, I uploaded the 20th Retarded Animal Babies flick to Newgrounds.com. This was the first & only officially sponsored Newgrounds.com production, and one which took about 8 days of vacation time to pull off in time for Easter.

Ever since then, I have sorely wanted to figure out what the full version of "RAB21 - The Red Erection" might be. It's teased at the end of RAB20, and I'd like to somehow build on it. The four-dimensionally Klein-bottled logic employed in regards to continuity for this series has actually become a character in its own right. Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious to make the concept of continuity itself into a character in some ways? Yeah? OK, fine.

Then I thought changing one letter and making it "The Red Election," or just simply "Erection Day" would be sooo fucking booyah & get some Obama/McCain/Palin/Biden humor going on. I just didn't have time or energy to work on it, period. Plus, I'm about as good a political satirist as I am a neurosurgeon, which is to say, I'm suckass at it. We're all much better off when I stick to animating things like Boobie Dragons. So the premise gave way to "electile dysfunction" as it was abandoned.

So here we go into 2009 without a thought in my mind what to do about the series. I must say that while working on Flash games (such as today's uploaded "Splatris" game... go check it out!) all day for Left Brain Games, there is no fucking way I can spend even five minutes in Flash when I get home at the end of the day. So alas, the unemployed miscreant that was doling out new RAB episodes every other week has been vanquished by a card-carrying member of taxpaying society, relegated to getting up at 7:00AM every day, driving a wheeled coffin to a cubed coffin, and counting the painful minutes until I can go home and watch a Netflix.

Or more likely, go to a band practice! I'm in three bands these days which is exhausting and exhilarating. Not sure who would possibly care except for my YouTube channel subscribers, but I am a die hard synthesizer freak. That Donkey keytar-playing shit in RAB11 & RAB20 comes from a very real place.

Ramble over... guess I didn't really answer any questions here about RAB21, did I? Let's just leave it that I really, really want to make one, and I will when 1) a suitably good idea hits me, and 2) I have the time and energy. Neither of those two things seem likely at all any time soon. RAB may well have had its day (a five-year-long day) in the sun, in which case RAB17-20 will be all internet-only doodads (i.e. no DVD will be made for them).

But look on the bright side. Maybe LBG will fire me someday & I'll be forced to crank out RAB episodes every bit as fast as I crank out semen to sell. Until then, I'll see if I can upload some of the more decent games I've made on the job.

Thanks for the continued support, Newgroundsers.





Well, I can't wait! :D

I understand, work is important for the person who needs money.

Well as long as it comes eventually, good luck with the work :)

hang in there, ive been struggling to find a good balance myself. People always give me shit for forgetting about my animation roots. Its just intense work and concentration and i dont have that time at the moment. ok thats alllll

i fuckin missed you man

Hi dave!

hi dave like RAB keep it up can't wait for the next one (i know im a new user but I have seen em all and like em lol)

You NEED to make it.

TeDhE ShItE uNdErStAnDs yOuR nEeD fOr BuTt sEx.

Ive been a fan of your works for a very long time now but...
I really did not like RABĀ“s easter episode.

I think you should start the next one like all the others start, where everything is "back to normal" instead of just contonuing the thing with the past plot, you feel me?

still keep up the goood work

A tipped boxing glove is more powerful then a whip.

Yay!! :D

How about an NG special where Puppy rapes every NG character in existence. Probably just a spam flash idea, mind, but it's the little random stuff that keeps your flashing body fresh.

good to know you're still alive.

Good luck with you upcomming projects, i look forward to them.

On a different note, has anyone ever told you, you look like chuck Norris?.......No? Well then, it could just be me but i think you look a bit like Chuck Norris.

Well, you have to quit sometime.

You should totally make more music videos!!

As much as RAB makes me laugh I think you've done most of what you can do with it....that and the latest ep works very well as a finale (with the ending being suitable as it re-enforces the series' main staple of loads of bullshit happening but everything working out in the end).

In RAB you should make a episode that puppy wakes up and he isn't horny so he flips out!


I have been loving Retarded Animal Babies for a few years now its great thanks I so want the DVD :)

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