Hello! I've made over forty Flash films since 2000 for Fark, CampChaos, National Lampoon, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and of course, you fine folks right here on Newgrounds.

Dave @Dave

Age 55, Male



West Hartford, CT

Joined on 4/6/03

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Update from Dave

Posted by Dave - November 30th, 2012

If you even recognize my user name, you probably are wondering if there'll ever be another episode of Retarded Animal Babies. I would reply with an equally relevant question: why the hell would you want one? There are 23, with each one being less and less popular than the one before. Every time I try to figure out new ways to milk the series, I end up checking my email or making a T-shirt or something else equally world-conquering. I announced plans for a 2nd DVD about a year ago, but after getting five pre-orders over a period of two months (the 1st DVD got 500!), I canceled all plans for one. Sad but true!

I would eventually like to make a different series, but animating isn't my #1 interest these days (can you tell?). I'm actually working on a new monthly comic book idea, and also a BIG book for my monthly comic strip "the Packrat" that appears in Keyboard Magazine, due out in January. So you see, I am still artistically busy; I just prefer doing things more fulfilling than trying to go back to the RAB well and come up with a worthwhile story (or even just weird series of imagery not already done before) for characters you probably enjoyed much more in way back in 2003 anyway!

I never, EVER say die, but man... it certainly does feel like RAB's time has passed. Not even Tom has gotten back to me about this topic in a while... and if he doesn't care, why should you or I? He's 100% right to back-burner this series; it has had its time in the sun and there are so many newer, better things to watch on Newgrounds these days. But I'm glad for the popularity it had, I'm glad it's still getting watched once and a while, and I'm really glad that you're somehow right here, reading this. If you're new to the series, be sure to check everything else out on umop.com because there is honestly a mega-dump shitload of stuff from over the years, some of which you might even like more than Puppy's nutsack (hard as that is to imagine).

This ain't no goodbye. Shit, half of today's Newgroundsers wouldn't even call it a hello, since they probably never heard of me. I still drop by and check things out in the Portal from time to time. Hope to see you there soon!



Well, as much as I love RAB, it's time you did some newer material considering that you have stiff competition from Rats on Cocaine.

Sorry I never got back to you on that! It was one of those emails that I flagged to ponder and reply to later and then never replied to... My worst habit. :(

My worst habit is hounding people with ponderable emails! :o)

i respect your decision, but more importantly i respect that you realize the series' decline and don't recycle jokes until you've killed the characters. you're a funny guy and a great artist, you'll find something new and it'll be better.

It always is sad to see something go, but RAB was pretty much the first thing on the internet I got nostalgic about. I feel it is better that you let it come to a solid end instead of just dragging it out and end up being less original than you once were. I'd like to see what a Dave-made short film would look like too, and if any of your future projects will have hints to RAB in them.

man RAB was the first cartoon i watched on here and now......you make me want to burn things

I am sorry to hear no more RAB, I am interisted in your comic can't wait to read it.^^

RAB has been one of the top things I came to Newgrounds for, and yeah it will never die for sure. People might be a bit more loud about things like Madness but RAB definitely has a place here for those who have been around long enough. Just always be working on what you love most, that's what this place is for! Will definitely love to see anything new you have in store.

It was a great run indeed Dave hopefully I bet you got more great ideas for the future and I can't wait to see it

NOOOOO!!!!!!! RAB is amazing. My friends and I still quote it even today. I make the homosexual dinosaur joke almost everyday! I'm gonna be so sad :'{

I do see it as a wise choice, although I loved every single episode you crafted it would be mindless to claim more... Perhaps an ending-series episode, something like they mess up really bad the Alternate Physics Law Usurper (was that the correct name..?) and they are stuck in a "real" reality where they would end up ageing and dying regularly.. Maybe Hamster would come up as the wiser of them all, would you figure that out?
..You know what, don't mind the ranting, just move ahead and do whatever you feel like man, I know we won't be disappointed, you just Rock.

All good things must come to an end. RAB had a damn good run and that's something to be proud of. I've been a fan of RAB for a long time now, and I've enjoyed it a lot. I'm not disappointed that RAB might be coming to an end, because 23 episodes is something I can't complain about.

You're a legend, man. And RAB was one of the main reasons I even signed up for an NG account! But talent like yours could bring the mass of views BACK to NG...never give up. And I'm looking forward to any continuations and new ideas alike from you!

Remember: "You are your own worst critic." WE still think you're fantastic. :D

So....and I'm speaking for quite a few people here, but have you thought of uploading the "dvd only" episodes for those who waited patiently?

If not.....thats cool, it's your cartoon. Do what ya want! It had a good run, definitely made me go to the site more often

23 is an inauspicious number to end the series on. Perhaps you may consider formally and absolutely ending RAB - let Bunny die already. If you don't want to do it for RAB's declining viewership on NG, do it for the characters themselves. That includes Satan. End it all for Satan.

To be fair, I don't think it's just R.A.B., this is really sad, but I feel all newgrounds series have been suffering from lack of views...

If you're stopping making R.A.B. because people aren't viewing them as much...
Then fuck man you've been playing the animation game wrong, animating is one of the most time consuming things ever, and if you aren't working on shit that you yourself are proud of (or interested in), then what the fuck is the point?

Regardless I hope you end up doing something that you feel is worthwhile, you are very talented, and it would be shitty to see your skills languish...

if its any consolation i still watch the christmas one every year or so, the one with the the script that rhymes. still makes me laugh as much as it did in 2004.

I spread your gospel when I can to the younger NGers, but as far as DVD sales.. I hate to say YouTube, but it does get the most exposure. Kids these days want a video every month or so, to keep interest.
Very glad you're still with us, unlike Egoraptor and a few others I could mention, who ran squeeing to YouTube for cheap thrills and never came back.

Unfortunately I've been blacklisted by Google for five years now, so I'll never earn anything from Google AdSense without a business partner. I'm still crossing my fingers that I can do something through the official Newgrounds YouTube channel someday!

I've bean a fan of RAB since the first episode. I even have the first DVD. I'm really going to miss this series. I hope you'll at least consider doing a series finale episode to give the series, and all the characters a proper farewell.

I wouldn't base the 'demise' of RAB on your lack of DVD sales. In fact, I'd say that DVD is kinda a dying medium. I would definitely rely more on advertising as a medium of revenge.

As for getting blacklisted from Google... you could always run ads in your flash videos, or try getting partnered on a different video site like Dailymotion.

I for one would certainly like to see more RAB.

*edit, was meant to say revenue, not revenge.

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