Hello! I've made over forty Flash films since 2000 for Fark, CampChaos, National Lampoon, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and of course, you fine folks right here on Newgrounds.

Dave @Dave

Age 55, Male



West Hartford, CT

Joined on 4/6/03

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Maybe it's a middle aged thing, I know my creative drive is up on blocks. After a while, everything in life looks like a retread of something we thought was cool in the past. There's nothing new and awe inspiring going on, so what's to kick the imagination's ass into gear?

We were retarded because we didn't know any better, there were still mysteries and adventures over the horizon, and it was easy to jump into the fray with our own mysteries and adventures... didn't matter if it was derivative, you take what you want from the salad bar, and leave the rest.

I guess 'problems of the future, today' can still be a relevant premise, but to me, today all looks like any one of several crappy 80's-90's post-apocalyptic flicks, I used to watch a few decades ago |: Maybe Bunny should get driven into a one rabbit holy war against... Bruce Willis? addictive Oreos? Pokemon?

Crazily, I really do think I was on the right track with RAB1-4, where if you asked what they were about, the response would be "they run around and do shit." After RAB4, which took quite a while to put together, I said to myself, "self, if you spend this long actually just working on one storyline, you'd end up with something like half a whole TV episode!"

And that's what happened! And it was great! But it was also the end of true randomness. This dystopian internet thingy in which we all reside subsists on funny, random shit that lasts as little as 7 seconds long. There's no point trying to go for anything too drawn-out unless it's being delivered on something as old-fashioned as a recordable disc or even a telly-o vision (remember those?).

800 trillion years ago? Feels like yesterday, man... Thanks for all the good shit though dude, good luck in whatever you're doing.

Hey Dave! Your RAB series was one of the first in my memory of prepubescent glory that was NG circa 2003. As raunchy and disgusting as some of RAB was, I always found it ironically clever overall (ham salad is quite good). Best of luck with everything, and, as you say, "who the fuck knows?"

I was just mentioning how RAB was one of my favorite newgrounds series on another site a few days ago. The episode where they travel through the internet sticks with me to this day, especially where they stumble across Happy Tree Friends and puppy exclaims, "Hey they're totally copying us!" RAB is a true relic of early 2000's internet humor and culture. I wouldn't be surprised if on one of those TV specials that covers individual decades had a segment of gorey flash animation and included RAB! :)

Dave do what you do best

Well, unless it's mainstream content (90, 60, 30 minute clips), I guess the more watched things online are definitely at or below 5 minutes in length. So anything longer or less glitzy than a music video, wouldn't garner that many views... it's how much effort you expend, to get those views I guess :\

You haven't done that badly in the past, but YouTube and streaming services, have really corralled the rank and file internet user away from sites like this. Either people are BSing in forums or watching/playing on a handful of sites, and don't want to get their index fingers dirty poking around a site like this, despite the content.

I half think sites like Newgrounds should band together and create a cable channel. You remember how cool cable was? Prism was a good channel... a lot more companies had channels online then, but, consolidation happened, yippeee

RAB made me visit and favour newgrounds back in the old days.
Back when flash movies were not so polished, it's fantastic to think that really funny cartoon series were possible, all from the mind of either a small group of friends or lone gunmen like yourself.

Yes, RAB was amazing, but what I want to know is what you plan to do next. How about another IP for shorts or a series?

Bark! (That means Im one of those who want more Rab.) Hey its good to see that you haven't completely abandoned us here at Ng. :) I do agree with VicariousE, I dont think Rab stopped being popular here on Ng, its just that Ng became less popular as a site in reacent years and lets face it, youtube could never handle the cheer rawness (and awsomeness) of Rab! If I had a facebook account I would definitely like it or whatever you do there. Maybe you should consider to make something small on the facebook page for the fans, like a short comic strip or something from time to time. :)

Ps. What ever happened to Mother in lol?

I practically learned english with RAB thank you, your stuff and NG johnnyutah's stuff helped to mold me into the horrible cussing non-native english speaker I am today.

A half-dozen years ago or so, I wrote you an email asking about what advice you would give to a novice animator something along those lines. Don't remember the question well, but I do remember your response.

You said, don't let your yourself get boxed in if you create something popular, because then all people will ever ask for and expect is more of the same.

I know your life's priorities have changed since that time, but in light of that solid advice, I think that if you were ever to take up the animation stylus again, your best bet would be to take the hiatus as an opportunity to reinvent yourself. I liked RAB and Sci-fi Guys, and I'd to see what else you can come up with.

I've been a fan since the beginning, and I still drop by NG every once in a while. I say thank you for this amazingly stupid series. It brought much joy to me in my early 20s, and it just makes me that much more honored to have been a part of the aberration that was the Newgrounds heyday. I wish you the best on your future endeavors.

i love this series still come back every now and again and binge watch the whole thing to harken back to a happier time when seeing rab on the front page was a major event distracting me from the day to day seems like all things get worse the longer life goes on maybe it's because we grow more and more aware of the shit in life as we get older but i think i forgot what i was trying to say i would like to see more rab content even if it was just some quick random shorts

As a fan of the show pretty much since the beginning (I even won a drawing competition back in 2009 or 2010), what I'm reading is bittersweet. Bitter because the show has reached its end but sweet that you aknowledged and shared your love for this ridiculously charming little series.

Having said that, a last hurrah episode wouldn't be too much to ask would it? Just a single minute of the five furry friends being random and saying goodbye to us fans. No story, no backstory, no nothing. Just a field and 5 retarded animal babies.

Anyway, thank you for this message and thank you for the series. Will probably have a nostalgic re-watching right now.

dave im gonna need you to make more, in fact, the format is perfect for "kids" these days everything short sweet and to the point. What you should do is try to start a kickstarter to fund a second season, or better yet, take it to adult swim. theyd eat it up, and i bet there are fans ! i know a few guys that work for cn and animation is the most respected art form. so dave i emplore you, gold like this shouldnt just live and die on the internet. This deserves a broadcast, a TV broadcast preferably. (im pretty sure because theyre animals you can get away with most of the dicks on the animals) this deserves to be on tv as much as "family guy" or "robot chicken" It could be HUGE. Just think people could respect your art, and you wouldnt even have to make/pay for it, assuming they give you a 6 figure budget per epsiode. Im gong to email adlt swim right now ! also are there any left ? i want the dvd please and thanks for listening Dave.


23/23, would watch them all again.